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Spring in the Adirondacks

Spring in the Adirondacks is a time of rushing renewal. Melting ice and snow can create class IV rapids on the Hudson River, ideal for whitewater rafting. Fishing season begins,. And slowly, as the trails dry out from muddy winter thaw, hikers and mountain bikers return to the woods. Spring weather can be unpredictable. A sunny, warm-weather day can be followed by a late-season snowfall. Learn how to stay safe hiking in the changing weather conditions of an Adirondack spring.

Check out our bucket list of 46 Things to Do in Spring and start planning your Adirondack spring adventure!

Adirondack waterfall in the Spring

Spring Events Schedule

It's not only the fresh air and vivid green of budding trees that draw people to New York's Adirondack Region from March to June. Crowd-pleasing annual events like Maple Weekends, the Americade motorcycle rally, the Black Fly Challenge bike race plus a huge arts and crafts festival happen here in spring.

Things to Do in Spring

mountain biking in the Adirondacks

Mountain Biking

muddy shoes hiking in the Adirondacks

Spring Hiking

fly fishing in the Adirondacks


whitewater rafting in the Adirondacks

Whitewater Rafting

Death Brook Falls waterfall in the Adirondacks

Adirondack Waterfalls

Spring = Mud Season

Get your ride on!

Between winter's thaw and summer's warmup, there comes mud. Thick, gooey mud for tracking wildlife, tracking through the house or track-ing on an ATV or UTV.

Ride out mud season in the Adirondacks. 

ATV riding during Adirondack spring mud season