Summer Hiking
Summer is a busy hiking season in the Adirondacks. Hit the trails early and enjoy the views!

Launch into adventure by boat with more than 3,000 lakes and ponds and 1,500 miles of rivers in the Adirondack Park.

Beaches to Visit
There are public beaches dotting lakeshores all over the Adirondacks. Perfect places for friends and families to enjoy some fun in the sun!

Island Camping
Island camping is an experience in itself in the Adirondacks. Island camping is an experience in itself in the Adirondacks. Learn about where to go and what to bring. Learn about where to go and what to bring.

Secret Swimming Holes
Looking for uncrowded, less-known swimming holes in the Adirondacks? Check out our list of secret beaches, rivers, ponds, and waterfalls perfect for taking a dip to cool off.

Breweries & Distilleries
Craft breweries and distilleries located throughout the Adirondacks are lively places where communities gather, friends catch up, and live music and trivia nights keep things hopping.